It’s January 2nd, and people all around the world have made their new resolutions. These can be losing weight, get healthier, make more money, better marriage, so on and so forth. Statistically, 80% of people will give up on their resolutions by February. I think that percentage is 95% if the reporters were honest.

Here is how to keep the resolutions this year and every year after and not give up on them; use 3P’s. These are persistence, purpose, and potential.

Let’s cover these individually.

Persistence. Here is the deal, life is not all butterflies and flowers. You are going to get punched in your face, you are going to fall, you will have failures and disappointments, you will have losses. This is normal, everyone is going through things like this. The difference between those that dominate and those that fall and never get up is the ability to persist and push through pain and disappointment.

Purpose. All the successful and wealthy have a purpose. They don’t just wander the world and see where the stream will take them. But how do you find your purpose? You have to ask yourself why: why are you doing it, why do you need it. And then you have to ask many more why’s. There is always a “why” behind a “why”. When you keep asking and digging you will define your purpose.  

Potential. Study Elon Musk, Richard Brunson, Warren Buffet or Mark Zuckerberg and many more. The truth is all these guys have made it. They have so much money that they can stop working today and won’t have to work for another day in their life. Yet, they work hard and keep pushing it. It is not about money for them anymore, they are playing a different game. They know they can do more and be more so they are in this never-ending pursuit of potential. The reality is you never reach your true potential. Once you achieve a milestone you go for more, and this is what separates the greats from average.

When it comes to keeping your resolutions, and dominating year after year, there is so much more to the subject. Stick to 3P’s and keep pushing it and watch where you end up at the end of 2019. I promise you will not be disappointed.


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