Are You Going Through Motions?

I go to gym every morning at 5AM. I was there on Saturday, and there were 4 people there. Out of those 4 only 1 was putting the effort all the way. The rest were just going through the motions. They were on their phones, barely doing any work. They think they are doing the work, but they aren’t. This is true for all the areas of life, be it career, finances, health, relationships, etc. People just go through motions without acting with intent. The next thing you know they don’t receive any results and they start blaming everything and everyone. They will say the economy is bad, my boss didn’t give me the raise, the client didn’t buy, the bank ripped me off with fees, I should have been fitter, the blame goes on and on. You see a pattern here? They blame everyone and everything instead of looking in the mirror. The sad thing is for most people this will go on for their entire life, and at the old age they will turn angry and bitter and say that the life isn’t fair, and they got screwed.

I don’t want this to be you and me. I am writing this article, so you can wake up and do everything with intent to go all the way through. Do not run your life on auto pilot. Take the matters in your hands, you are in control. It is nobody’s responsibility to improve your career, your finances, your relationships, your health, or whatever area it might be.

OK, so what do you do now?

For me it is getting up at 4:30AM everyday and going to gym, eating healthy, studying sales, marketing and closing, drinking a gallon of water daily, reading business/ self-help book, but mostly taking massive action to make sure I am working on my dreams and not some company CEO’s dreams.

Lastly, I am closing my first multifamily real estate acquisition mid-July. I am confident that income producing multi family real estate is the single best vehicle to create freedom for me, my family and my partners.

I would love to hear from you what you are doing to take matters in your hands, comment below and share.


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