I want to talk about the importance of flowing attention to others. I am in beginning stages of starting and growing my business into something big. There are some challenges when you are creating a business. It’s like baby learning to walk. You must make cold calls to generate leads, follow up with prospects, answer calls, send emails, so on and so forth. On top of that you need to have social media presence and website so that you get out of obscurity and do business with others. So I had a problem that needed to be solved. I had an idea for a website but did not have time to put it together, plus I am not an expert when it comes to building websites. I posted an ad in Craigslist and made videos for Instagram and Facebook looking for someone that would be willing to help me out in exchange for me to promoting their products and services and drawing attention to them, and potentially making them as a full time member of my team. Let’s be honest, if you are looking to build a massive company you need a team.

People responded to my add and videos laughing saying no one would do that. And only Lizz agreed to meet and learn about my project. I explained what I needed and she agreed to take a shot and help me out. And I promised to flow attention to her. Lizz is a developer and has completed several projects for local businesses. She is currently helping me with my website and is very responsive and helpful. Whether you are a business owner or need a development project contact Lizz.

Lizz is still helping me with the basics on this site. As the project evolves I am looking to grow our collaboration into something bigger where she can benefit financially and I can grow my business.


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