The Covid-19 outbreak is not the first nor the last time that we are experiencing uncertainty and distress. As people we are quite resilient species and we’ll get through this.
The question is how do you come ahead in this situation?
The discipline you practice, especially now, will determine how far ahead and quickly you’ll go.
There are specific steps to follow every day:

1. Beat the sun. I get up around 4:30AM every morning. This is a massive launchpad for your day. Beating the Sun gives you energy that you beat this massive body that the Sun is.

2. Exercise daily. I exercise every day for at least 45 minutes. Something amazing happens when you love your body. You get massive flow of endorphins which helps you beat the stress and energize you throughout the day. Do the exercise in the morning and stack it to beating the Sun; watch your confidence go sky high. While the rest of the world is debating whether to get up or not, you’ve already got your exercise in.

3. Invest in yourself. Read at least ten pages of self improvement or business book. The successful CEOs read a book a week. You may say “Yea but I don’t have time”. Do you have time to be stupid? Instead of wasting time on scrolling through social
media or watching mindless movies on Netflix read a book. Even if you fine only one piece of information, it’s still time well spent.

4. Block all the negative new and media. With this Coronavirus outbreak, you watch enough news or scroll Facebook, you’ll think the world is coming to an end. Don’t kid yourself, this is exactly what media wants you to think. They want the entire population to be hypnotized in fear and uncertainty.

5. Block all negative people in you environment. This is the time that you need positive people around you. The last thing you need is bunch of doubters and naysayers in your environment instilling uncertainty in you. Surround yourself with people that have abundance and positive mindset that encourage you to take massive action and push for more.

6. Cut all the inflow and go all in on outflow. This is symbiotic with point #4. While everyone is sitting home doing nothing, don’t spend your free time on social media. Spend maximum an hour a day responding to comments on posts; that’s about it.
Spend the rest of the time pushing content out, whether it’s creating videos, writing articles, holding webinars, promoting yourself and your brand.

7. Hop on the phone and start following up with leads and clients. See how they’re doing, what problem you can solve. Increase your activity especially now when the rest of the planet is dialing back. This will give you tremendous advantage in the marketplace.

8. Stay hydrated. I drink a gallon of water a day. The body operates better when it’s well lubricated. And being hydrated helps you better handle stressful situations. Depending on your weight the amount water you need to drink will vary.

9. Cut the sugars and white flour products from your diet. We all love the sweets, chocolate and bread. Being native of Armenia, bread is a big deal in our culture. I look like black sheep for not eating bread. Just do it for a week, and you’ll see a dramatic improvement in your well being. You’ll have more energy, more focus and you will not have sugar highs and crashes.

In conclusion I want to remind you that now is the time to take massive action. History always repeats itself. Do you remember when in 2008 crash almost everyone was running in panic like chickens with cut heads. While the entire nation was in mass hysteria few people built massive wealth.
If you’ve always wanted to be at the right moment and the right time this is it. Get your act together and execute. History is being written as the lost of US is wasting their time watching Netflix. Years will pass and people will look back at 2020 and wish they acted. Don’t let it be you.

I hope you’ve received value from this post. If so, I’ll truly appreciate if you like and share. Also please comment below the steps you are taking to come ahead of this situation.

Remember, stay safe, protect yourself and your loved ones.


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