You sit home, scroll through social media, watch news and get bombarded with messages of uncertainty and doubt. The media will have you believe hat the entire world is coming to an end. Do not be naive though it’s part of a plan that has been in the making for decades. Some big players control the media outlets around the world; just do a Google search. They have their motivations and agendas to do so. But this post is not about them, it’s about you and I. What can we do to bounce off all this non-sense that comes our way 24/7?

Develop strong conviction about your beliefs and your mission. The person who has the strongest conviction wins. This is true in sales and in life. Actually, our entire life is a sale; but this is for another article. If you don’t have strong convictions you’ll simply start believing what media is dumping on you.

So how do you develop your conviction? Grab a piece of paper and write down who you are, what are you about, what is your mission and what do you believe in. This is not an easy exercise but it’s worth it. You have to become fanatical about your mission and beliefs.

In my example, no matter how bad news talk about the economic outlook I know that apartment investing is the best investment out there. You may argue that people lost their jobs, they can’t pay rent, or flip this flip that, blah, blah, blah. Your argument will be exactly blah, blah, blah, because I am set on my beliefs through own experience and studying. No matter what you do you could not take me out of my deal into yours. I am set like concrete in my beliefs. My conviction is rock solid.

But if you do not know your mission, what you stand for or where you are heading you can easily be manipulated with. This is how people get sucked into various cults and sects. They do not have firm beliefs and they want to check out different things here and there.

Now it’s more important than ever to get rock hard on your mission and what you stand for. Figure out who you are and where you are going, otherwise media will decide it for you.


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