When it comes to New Year’s celebration, many cultures have different traditions. I find Italy’s very interesting, particularly in Naples, where people through out everything from toasters to furniture off their balconies. 

I want to draw similarities between old stuff and old ideas. Some of these old ideas are: stop touting your horn, buy a house, invest in 401k, be happy with what you have.

Are you going to be a mystery in 2020? I am not. Look, in today’s noisy world where information and notification is flying at us at insane speed you need to be shouting about yourself and your ideas from rooftops. It’s said “it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you”. If no one knows you your ideas will stay just that, ideas, no matter how great they are. 

I have said it before, I will say it again: a house is not an investment, it’s a liability. The bank is the only party that makes money when you buy a house. All a house does is anchors you down to a location and prevents you from chasing opportunity. 

Are you an employee? If so, chances are you have a 401k, this is because your HR and the “Wall Street cartel” representative sold you on a BS. Why would you give your money to someone you don’t know for your career length in hopes of being able to have money in retirement. If a stranger approached you on a street and asked you to give him $100; and he would pay you back $150 in 30 years, would you do it? This is exactly what you’re doing when investing in 401k. There are better way to earn money; don’t be lazy and do your homework.

This is a good one: be satisfied. Wrong. If people were satisfied we would still be riding on horses and buggies today. There is a difference between being grateful and being satisfied. You and I both need to be grateful for everything in our lives, but satisfied? Never. The never ending quest of what’s possible, the pursuit of potential; these are the things that make life so exciting and progressing. 

I encourage you to take an inventory of old ideas you have, and throwing them out in 2020. Unlimit your mindset, and start playing big in 2020. 

I will see you on the other side!


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