Since I haven’t posted for a long time, I have decided to give you a short update. 

It’s been a little over a month since I have resigned from being an employee at U.S. Bank and jumped into multi-family real estate investing full time. When some “gurus” out there tell you you can do real estate part time and/or during the weekends they are full of it. Believe me, I tried the experiment, it is virtually impossible. 

You either need to give 100% to your job or 100% to real estate. I couldn’t do neither one. I felt that I was betraying my employer because my attention wasn’t at the job, and I was missing out on deals because I had to be at the job. 

I decided to do the ethical thing and jump into real estate full time.

It’s been hard first 30 days. When you are in business for yourself you have to be extremely disciplined and have the ability to prioritize. There are many things that beg your attention, but if you don’t prioritize you will be putting out fires all day long without achieving anything.

Anyways, I have been spending my days making cold calls to multi-family apartment owners in Ramsey county. My target was and still is to make 200 calls a day. As a result of these calls a few days ago I put a 17 unit building under contract. Currently I am conducting due diligence for it. This would be my second multi-family acquisition in Minneapolis Saint Paul market. 

Contact me to learn more about what real estate I invest in and how can you be part of it too.

I also launched YouTube series called Deal Tuesdays, where I talk about real estate investing and will analyze deals so you can learn how to buy your own deals. If you’re not sure how to analyze a deal you can send me some information and I can go over it during the video as well. 

Make sure to subscribe to my channel and turn on the notifications to get notified when I drop a new video. 

All I can say moving forward that it takes great focus, attention and discipline, because when you work for yourself success becomes your duty, obligation and responsibility. 

There is more exciting stuff in pipeline so stay tuned. 


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