In business and in life the speed with which you can move on decisions, product launches, follow ups is the key factor whether you will get ahead or not. Today technology making everything move fast. People get bombarded with new products and services. There is so much noise. If you are a business owner or entrepreneur it’s imperative that you move fast. If not you will simply get left behind.

I am guilty of moving slow myself. Wanting to make stuff perfect, make sure every thing is ideal. Well, the truth is there is no such think is perfect. While I am perfecting a product a service my competition launches it in the marketplace and starts earning revenue, getting brand recognition, servicing customer. Who’s better off? The competitor which moved fast and launched the product or service, even though it wasn’t quite ready or perfect or me, who’s not getting the product out there.

The other reason why you want to be fast is you’ll start receiving valuable feedback from the user and can tweak the product to better solve customers’ problems. And get ahead in the marketplace.

When iPhone launched first, it could not send a MMS (multi media messege), nor it had an app store. But they pushed the product to the market, and over time improved it and made it what it is today.

So don’t wait, if you have an idea, a product in the works just push it out. You can improve it later.

I am holding a webinar on multifamily real estate on Saturday 6/8/19 at 11AM CST. While I know quite a bit about real estate, I don’t know about the webinar part. This won’t however prevent me from pushing this product to the marketplace. I will figure things out as I do it.

I suggest you do the same!


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