We live in interesting times, whether it’s the virus, elections or wars.

Perhaps you don’t know, Armenia has been attacked by Azerbaijan on 9/27 for land disputes. I am not going to get into the dispute background. After fierce fights and thousands of perished lives Armenia’s prime minister signed and agreement that would end the war and the lands be returned to Azerbaijan. There are more details, but for the sake of this post, let’s keep things simple.

Since the lockdowns, elections and now the conflict we have been getting bombarded by media. Most of the news have not been rainbows and flowers. On top of that, you go to the social media network of your choice and it’s a dumpster fire of negative posts, comments and profanity.

If you are not careful you can easily get sucked in and waste hours, days, weeks consuming this garbage undermining your mental, physical and financial well being. You have to make an effort to control what goes into your mind, otherwise you will have a negative attitude which inhibits your chances of success.

So what’s the solution? Start a negativity diet. That’s right just like a food diet there is a negativity diet. I learned this concept from Grant Cardone.

Basically, you cut out every negative news, people, media, though from your environment. It may sound easy, but start with 24 hours. See if you can make it through. The moment you think, says or consume something negative you have to re-start 24 hours again.

This may sound some hocus pocus stuff to you, but just give it a try for 24 hours. It’s not going to cost you any money. If anything, you’ll clear your mind’s cobwebs and flip your attitude upside down.

Try it and come back later to let me know about your successes.


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