As I was scrolling through Facebook today, which is a bad idea anyway, I was reminded of abundance negativity everywhere around us. The world is filled with negativity. Turn on the new, and it’s all negative. Open a newspaper, it’s all negative news. You know the saying “If it bleeds it leads”. I guess the media took this idea to the extreme nowadays. On top of this, go to Facebook and it’s either negative posts from your friends, negative videos and news.

So what’s the solution you may ask. For beginners, I have stopped watching news. I haven’t been watching news since January, and you know, honestly it feels great. Do I suggest not watching TV? No, I am not some radical nut case. I still watch TV every now and then. But I mainly watch educational programming or movies. But in reality I am focused more on taking care of myself and my family.

Another step I am taking, this is an ongoing conscious effort, is when I come across a negative news, video or someone is gossiping about someone else, I do not share it or spread it. The negative stuff stops with me. Why would I share more negativity? Why would I post it on Facebook and multiply it? You should do exact opposite. Post and spread positive news and events. These can be business success stories in your community, how someone is achieving excellent sales result in a company in your industry or someone is helping at church. This can literally be anything in positive nature.

I want you to stop going through life on autopilot and pay attention to what you are posting and sharing.

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