I will be hones, last dew days have been sort of crazy. You hear all kinds of new that the world is coming to an end, economy is crashing, this and that. It is super easy to fall into this trap of victim mindset. On top of it, I have seen some videos and articles popping left and right on YouTube bashing Grant Cardone and how his Cardone Capital is in trouble. Full disclosure I am not an investor in his equity funds, I have read his books though.

This article is not about how Grant is doing this and that right or wrong. It’s not up to me to judge. This is about other people who use these crazy times to bash another person to build their brand and push their agendas.

He sells this course that course and then the author says by the way I am developing this course about this subject… Well how different are you from Grant. All you are doing is tearing someone down to build yourself and your brand up and people can see that.

There are bunch of things that I agree and bunch that I don’t disagree with him, but I don’t go on YouTube and shoot video after video after video about how he screwed up and how everything is going to collapse.

Here is the deal. Build your brand the right and ethical way. Provide real solutions and help others. Create your original content. Be a problem solver and not just create clickbait garbage. Rise above all the gossip and bashing. You think his stuff is flawed or he is not doing this and that good, why don’t you make it better, why don’t you do it better.

But don’t just sit there and create content just to criticize and talk crap about someone just because you don’t like him or do not agree with his ideas.

Get above it.

Happy Easter Y’all!

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