Do you remember when you were a kid and had all those big, ambitious dreams? You wanted to become a scientist, a doctor, a lawyer, an astronaut…

I hope you did become what you dreamed of. For many of us the adult reality is much more different from childhood dreams.

What happened to you? I know… the same thing that happened to me. We went to school, our peers and teachers told us to be reasonable, and there is no way for us to achieve our dreams. Later on we were told to get a “real job”, go to college, invest in 401k, blah, blah, blah… Both you and I know the message.

I have tried the experiment for 15 plus years and was measurable every second of it. Deep down inside I knew that people, at least some, weren’t made to spend their adult life in some cubicle, 9 to 5, anxiously waiting for the weekend, so they could enjoy those two days, pinching pennies so they could retire with few hundred thousand, and call it a happy retirement.

Look, the “comfort” of 9 to 5 and relying on paycheck was like a death sentence for me. So few years ago I started looking for solutions to radically change my situation. I quickly learned that real estate has been used by many wealthy to build financial freedom and live their life on their terms. I studied everything I could about real estate. I did few single family deals. I quickly realized that single family real estate is very difficult to scale, and it is just another job that I’ve created for myself. Don’t get me wrong, it is an excellent way to accumulate cash for large deals. Even to the day I do a wholesale deal here and there.

After more research I came across multifamily real estate which meets all the criteria of wealth and freedom creation.

Warning, this is far from the “normal” way of thinking and operating. You need to expand your mind and throw the “I can’t” attitude out of window. Sadly, the majority of population is stuck at the “normal” levels because they don’t think they can. What am I talking about?

Think about buying a $5,000,000 apartment. Your immediate reaction is “But… I can’t”, “I don’t have money”. This one thing is what makes the difference whether you will spend your best years sitting in a cubicle and building someone’s dreams instead of building yours. Instead, ask yourself “How can I…” This one question will get your mind going, you will get creative and start coming up with ideas on how to do it. Don’t worry if you don’t know the mechanics yet, just get the process flowing.

This one question, “how can I…”, is responsible for all the great inventions and products we use and enjoy today, and the wealth that many people accumulated during their lifetime.

So if you are tired of “the normal” and ready for more, and wondering “how can I”, stay tuned. I am developing a step by step program that will show you how to reach financial freedom through real estate investing.


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